When you see the beauty pageants walking the ramp or the movie stars receiving innumerable clicks and looking stunningly gorgeous with their fair smooth skin, you perhaps get lost in dreams a thousand times and make an imaginative journey into that world where it is you who is the pageant of beauty or the celebrity walking the red carpet.

If you want to enhance your complexion you can try some of the complexion boosting or DIY Ayurvedic fairness treatments for achieving miraculous results. Here I will share those really working skin lightening remedies with you all.



  1. Tomato Juice:
    Mash half-ripen tomato pulp, mix a tablespoon of honey and a tablespoon of baking soda. Gently apply and rub the mixture all over your face. Wash it after 5 minutes.It can dissolve impurities from the skin, and also helps in reducing the production of melanin in the skin, protects the skin from UV rays and gives an oil-free, noticeably light skin tone.

  1. Turmeric Ayurvedic Treatment for Fair Skin:

Mix turmeric (Haldi) powder with milk cream to make a thick paste. Apply all over your face. Turmeric is a good cure for uneven skin tone, blotchiness and even destroys pimple causing bacteria because it has antibacterial agents in it. Also turmeric is a potent natural complexion enhancer. The milk cream will leave your skin sufficiently moisturized, soft and supple and you won’t feel the winter woes if you are using this ‘uptan’ on your skin daily this winter.

  1. Orange Juice: 
    Orange juice keeps your skin healthy and fair.You can use it as a natural fairness toner for your skin.The vitamin C and Vitamin A present in an orange juice help in minimizing spots, pigmentation and gives you evenly toned fairer complexion naturally. Take 5 tablespoons of chilled orange juice, dip a small cotton wool in the juice and apply it on the face gently. Let it be there for 5 minutes and then wash it off with cold water. Apply it daily for better results.

4) Aloe Vera
Cut a leaf of Aloe vera. And squeeze all its juice in a bowl. Now apply the juice all over your face. Keep it for 10 minutes and then rinse off. It will give you a moisturized, soft and fair skin. it also helps in reducing acne and other skin problems.


The above all are natural formula to glow your skin but it requires sufficient time almost like 6 months to show up visible results. If you are curious to get instant glow try Skin Novela cream which will bring glow to your face and additional to this it also works as an Anti-aging cream, in few cases it has decreased age by upto 10 years for women.

The product cost is $89.95 for a monthly subscription but If you are want to try but don’t want to take risk then do try with 15 days trial pack where the manufacturer gives you a trial pack of 15 days for free.. but..but the condition is you have to pay for the shipping charges i.e. $4.95 (which is dirt cheap)

Click here to buy the monthly product

Click here for trial pack.



8 Foods To Never Eat Before Bedtime

A Big NO…NO!!

Hunger before bedtime is common esp. when you are used to staying up late. The craving to eat something before going to bed makes a person consume anything that is available. Bedtime hunger is not wrong, but there certainly are foods that shouldn’t be consumed before going to sleep as they can create health issues.

Avoid these 8 foods before going to bed.

1. Dairy fat – Having calorie rich cheese high-fat-dairy circlehealthclub.comor butter for dinner or even before bedtime ensures that your digestive system is going to have a hard time at the night, thus disrupting your sleep.

2. Caffeine Caffeine from the coffee 2-caffine-circlehealthclub.comdoesn’t let you sleep. It is used to kick our sleepiness so it should never be consumed before bedtime.

3. Fast food Fast food cause flatulence andSpiced-Oily foods-circlehealthclub oils lead to indigestion, ensuring incomplete and disturbed sleep.

4. Red meat Dinner should always be theRed-Meat-circlehealthclub-com  lightest meal of the day. If you make your digestive system work heavily overnight, it’s difficult for you to get sound sleep! Red meat being a very heavy, must be avoided to ensure a good night’s sleep.

5. Beans– Beans before bed simply fastens the Beans-before-bed-circlehealthclub-com-sprouts-vicky-wasik-35process of flatulence! Avoid it to have a trouble free night.

6. Sugars– Sugars give you instant energy. sugar-acne-circlehealthclub-comThat’s exactly what you don’t need before a good night’s sleep so avoid it before bedtime.

7. Aerated drinks– These drinks have acidic seven-drinks-you-must-avoid-to-safe-your-health-2-will-shock-you-circle-health-club-comcontent with a lot of sugar and caffeine. Drinking them can destroy you sleep for the whole night so keeping it for the day is wiser!

8. Alcohol- Alcohol makes you drowsy and inalcohol-1280x960-circlehealth-club-com a way bogs you down. But that’s really not the kind of sleep you’d like to have. Avoid alcohol to invite the perfect sleep!

You got only 1 life, Live with 100% but need to follow some rules!!

Does my skin make me look older or younger than my years?

The skin is not only the largest organ of the body, it’s also the most visible.



Not surprisingly, many of us think of skin health primarily in cosmetic terms: Does my skin make me look older or younger than my years?

But the health of your skin affects far more than your appearance. As with any organ, good nutrition helps your skin function at its best. As a bonus, the right nutrients can help keep your skin looking younger and fresher as well. .

1) Maintain a Healthy Weight
Most of us fret about wrinkles as we reach middle age, yet carrying an extra dress size ages a person much more than a few wrinkles ever could. Managing weight is also a more realistic goal than getting rid of wrinkles.


2) Don’t Smoke
According to the Mayo Clinic, smoking can accelerate the skin’s aging process. The more you smoke and the longer you smoke, the more likely you are to have wrinkling of the skin.


Quitting smoking improves your circulation, lowers your risk of developing varicose veins, reduces the likelihood of obesity, and makes exercise easier and more enjoyable. You’ll also have a better sense of taste and smell as you age, and the smell of smoke won’t cling to your hair and clothing.

3) Follow a Nutritious Diet
Eat a low-fat, high-fiber diet rich in fruits, vegetables, and leafy greens. It is also important to stay hydrated. Drinking plenty of water is the one of the easiest, most effective ways to keep your skin looking healthy.


4) Stay Active
Participate in sports, dancing, or other activities you enjoy. Follow the federal government’s most recent Physical Activity Guidelines for Americans, which recommends that adults ages 18 to 64 should engage in two hours and 30 minutes of moderate aerobic activity per week, combined with strength-training exercises two days a week.


5) Avoid Sun Exposure
Use sunscreen on your face and exposed skin every day. Wear a hat and use sunglasses to protect your eyes, since some evidence links sun exposure to later formation of cataracts. Exposure to sun also increases your risk of wrinkles or “leathery” skin.

6) Get Enough Sleep
Lack of sleep is responsible for the development of “dark circles under the eyes” and can result in other issues like weight gain and depression. Adequate sleep is important for skin cell rejuvenation.


7) Overnight Moisturize
Dryer areas like hands, feet, elbows, and knees have thin skin and tend to lose moisture faster than other areas on the body. Consider slathering on a deep moisturizing balm Skin Food by Weleda at night, then wear cotton gloves and socks to seal in the moisture until morning.


8) Avoid Toxins, Specifically Allergens and Irritants
Particularly if you have eczema, dermatitis, or psoriasis, you have to avoid allergens and irritants that may trigger a flare up. Winter skin is more fragile, so avoid irritating fabrics (like wool) and chemical-laden detergents, and use mild cleansers and moisturizers designed for sensitive skin.

9) Nutrients for a Healthy Glow
Diligent use of sunscreen can prevent skin cancer but it will also keep you from getting that sun-kissed glow. Once again: nutrition to the rescue! Eating foods high in carotenoids can actually give your skin a healthier color. Sweet potatoes, carrots, pink grapefruit, tomatoes, red peppers, kale, spinach, and apricots are all good choices. Scottish researchers found that eating 3 additional servings of these foods per day led to rosier, healthier-looking skin after just 6 weeks. Consider it self-tanning from the inside.

10) Consider Facial Cosmetic Enhancements
You may think about having a facial rejuvenation procedure like Botox or pursuing a surgical option such as a facelift, brow lift, or neck lift. These procedures can tighten or remove sagging skin beneath the chin, at the jawline, or around the eyes or remove puffy fat pads beneath the eyes that give you a prematurely aged look. However, these enhancements can be obvious to the trained eye if the outcome is not as good as you expected. There are also potentially very serious risk associated with these procedures. Your money might be better spent on a gym membership, healthy foods & certified & natural medication.

These are some of the products which are known for its quality & are their trials are also available, so you can give it a try.



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